Agency Operations - Checklists

Our "Agency Ops Checklist" mainly deals with three areas: finances, HR, and facilities (anything related to the office space). We also have a section for Food and Lunch as we serve lunch for our team every day. The checklist is used ensure that our daily, weekly, and monthly activities get accomplished.

This is a handy doc if you are curious to see in detail the day-to-day activities we rely on to keep the business running smoothly. As an added bonus, we've also included our Supplies Inventory checklist that we use to monitor all of our supplies from paper products to notebooks, markers, and cleaning products. The checklist helps to ensure that nothing runs out and that we have adequate buffer so we can order in advance. For items that have predictable use, we create recurring orders.

Teams that have full-time staff devoted to these tasks may not find these docs as useful. As a small team, we've found ways to cut down the time it takes to manage many of these activities. On average, we devote less than 1 hour a week to getting all of our Ops activities done, sparing us the need for a full-time person to manage these tasks. 

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